Award Winners 2020 Consulting

Suresh Chandrashekharan

Suresh Chandrashekaran, Product Design: 1998, is the Principal Designer and Founder of I2R Design at Bangalore. He has designed numerous products in consumer, healthcare and industrial domains. Suresh is very meticulous at creating products with great forms and amazing detailing which takes his creations through modelling and prototyping as well as production very efficiently and in a surprisingly lower time period. His In-Flight Entertainment Device is installed in Boeing Aircrafts and his QWERTY TouchPad Remote is the first of its kind in the world. Some of his other products such as a water purifier, power inverters, voltage stabilizers, power adaptors contribute towards solving unique design problems for India. He has also designed an array of medical products such as an ECG Machine, Mobile X-Ray unit, and a portable Retina Scanner.