. Faculty
at IDC |
IDC, IIT Bombay
- 2008 'The Kaavad phenomenon', an illustrated talk at the India
International Centre organised by the Delhi Crafts Council, Craft
Revival Trust and IIC, sponsored by Anjana Somany Foundation.
- 2007 Presented ‘Mukand and Riaz’ at the RISD Honors Program, Rome Italy
- 2007 Presented ‘Mukand and Riaz’ at the David Sasoon Library, KALA GHODA Festival, Mumbai
- 2005 Presented the animation films made for UNESCO Israel in Tel Aviv for the public. Tel Aviv, ISRAEL
- 2005 Poster presentation on the E-Kaavad at the INCLUDE 2005 conference, Royal College of Art, London, UK
- 2004 ‘Repurposing Tools of Learning’, a presentation made at an international workshop for participants of developing countries, organized by NID.
- 2003 ‘Traveling Stories’, a presentation made to students of Glorianna Davenport’s class on Experiences in Interactive Art, Centre for Advanced Visual Studies, MIT, USA
- 2002 ‘Traveling Stories’, Paper presented at the international conference Sutra, organized jointly with MIT Media Lab and Media Lab Asia and NID.
- 2002 ‘To lead or to Follow’, a presentation of New Media work at NID at the CII-NID Design Summit, Delhi
- 2001 Invited to present NID student work and Indian animation at the International conference KISKAKAS, organized by the Hungarian University, Budapest, Hungary
- 1992 Represented the Institute at an international symposium in Urbino, Italy. Presented the NID curriculum and an invited paper on problems of teaching animation in a country like India, titled, Frame by Frame.
- 1991 A public lecture on animation at the India International Centre, New Delhi
- 2007 ANIMATED EXETER, EXETER, UK : Fabric Fantasia, Conducted an Animation workshop with Joan Ashworth (RCA) for children and their Families.
- 2007 ICOGRADA, DESIGN LOCAL, IDC IIT Bombay: Storytelling workshop in collaboration with Ruth Klotzel, Brazil
- 2006 CONVIVIO 2006 SUMMER SCHOOL, EDINBURGH: Technology, Enjoying or Enduring it? A two week workshop on Sharing Stories, Co teaching with Dr Anxo Roibas, University of Brighton
- 2005 DPEP (DISTRICT PRIMARY EDUCATION PROGRAMME) & SSA (SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN) TLM (Teaching Learning Material) Workshop for Primary Education teachers, Gandhinagar district.
- 2003 BAMBOO AND CANE DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE, AGARTALA Conducted a 3 day workshop ‘Making sounds with Bamboo’ for a group of 20 artisan students
- 2003 INDUSTRY PROJECTS AND PROGRAMMES, NID, AHMEDABAD Resource faculty, slide presentation on ‘History of Interactivity’ to participants of Usability Workshop
- 2002 DISTRICT PRIMARY EDUCATION PROGRAMME, LUCKNOW Conducted a 3 day workshop on ‘Storytelling as a teaching tool’ for Primary School teachers.
- 2001 INDUSTRY PROJECTS AND PROGRAMMES, NID Conducted a 5 day workshop on ‘ New Media for Primary Education’, for primary school teachers from different parts of the country.
- 2000 CHALCHITRA ACADEMY, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM A 3 day workshop on cut out Animation for students from Kerala
- 1994 BAL BHAVAN, NEW DELHI A 4-day animation workshop with Binita Desai for children from age 8-16
- 1993 CENTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF IMAGING TECHNOLOGY, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM A 10-day animation workshop for 20 participants, including scientists, science communicators, artists, art students and art historian
- 1991 LAWRENCE SCHOOL, SANAWAR, HIMACHAL PRADESH A ten day workshop in animation with Binita Desai for students from class 5 to class 12
- 1990 KENT STATE UNIVERSITY, OHIO, USA Visiting Faculty, Conducted a week long workshop titled 'THE BOOK IN MOTION' for senior graphic design students with Jan Baker
- 1990 RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN, R.I, USA. Visiting Faculty, Screenings of films and discussions, one day workshop titled 'POCKET MOVIE WORKSHOP'
- 1988 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DESIGN Coordinator Model-Animation Workshop conducted by Joan Ashworth and Cathy Greenhalgh (U.K)
- 1984 Teaching assistant, Animation Workshop for graphic artists from Indian TV stations at NID.
Professional Work:
- 2008 The Makers of Tales 10mins (Video film on the Kaavad tradition)
- 2007 ‘Best Friends’ Story and Book Illustration, TULIKA Publishers, Chennai, India
- 2007 ‘Mukand and Riaz’ Story and Book Illustration, TULIKA Publishers, Chennai, India
- 2006 ‘Sameer’s House’ Book Illustration, TULIKA Publishers, Chennai, India
- 2005 MUKAND AND RIAZ 8mins 34 secs. (Textiles, embroidery and Computer animation) Made for the Big Small People Project, UNESCO, Israel Script, Design and Direction
- 2005 ‘My Mother’s Sari’ Book Illustration NORTH- SOUTH Publishers, New York, London
- 2004 ‘The Boy who loved Colour’ Book Illustration TULIKA Publishers, Chennai, India 2000 All About Nothing’ Concept and Book Illustration TULIKA Publishers, Chennai, India
- 1999-2000 Channel identity for TARA Marathi channel, 15 secs. (Live and Computer Animation) Client: Broadcast World Wide Project Head, Concept and Direction
- 1999-2000 Channel identity for TARA Gujarati channel, 15 secs. (Live and Computer Animation) Client: Broadcast World Wide Project Head, Concept and Direction
- 1999-2000 Channel identity for TARA Bengali channel, 15 secs. (Live and Computer Animation) Client: Broadcast World Wide Project Head
- 1998 Channel identity for DD News, 15 secs. (Computer Animation) Client: Prasar Bharati Team Leader for Animation
- 1998 Channel identity for DD Sports, 15 secs. (Computer Animation) Client: Prasar Bharati Team Leader for Animation
- 1998 Channel identity for DD National, 20 secs. (Computer Animation) Client: Prasar Bharati Concept & Direction
- 1994 PATENTS FOR PROGRESS, 10 mins, Video format, English Client: Office of the Patent Information System, Ministry of Industry, Government of India, New Delhi (Computer Animation)
- 1992 DISCOVERY OF INDIA Visualizer for the gallery 'Continuity and Change' Client: Nehru Centre, Bombay (Exhibition Design)
- 1991 MADHYA PRADESH FILM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Signature tune, 10 secs, 35mm, Colour Client: MPFDC Bhopal (Animation)
- 1990 ALL INDIA HANDICRAFTS WEEK A Poster Client: Ministry of Textiles, New Delhi (Graphic Design)
- 1990 ONE DAY IN FATHEPUR SIKRI - 6 mins, 35mm, colour Client: Nehru Centre, Bombay Screened at the Discovery of India Exposition, Bombay (Animation)
- 1989-90 ALL ABOUT NOTHING 10 mins, 35mm, colour Client: Nehru Centre, Bombay Screened at the Discovery of India Exposition Bombay (Animation)
- 1989 DISCOVERY OF INDIA Concept visualization of the Mughal Gallery Client: Nehru Centre, Bombay (Exhibition Design)
- 1988 BHADTE KADAM (Growing up) Four Modules - Hindi (Animation & Live action) ATTHARA HI KYON? (Why 18) 8.30 mins, 35mm, colour GARBHAVASTHA AUR PRASAV (Pregnancy and Labour) 8.30 mins, 35 mm, colour MAASIK-DHARMA (Menstruation)8mins, 35mm, colour SHISHU-VIKAS(Child-development) 10 mins,35 mm, colour Client: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Screened and distributed at 649 health centres in India
- 1987 A SUMMER STORY 5 mins, 35mm, B/W Client: National Institute of Design Screened at Bristol Animation Festival U.K (Animation)
Articles and Papers :
- 2008 'Using Digital Media for the Study and Documentation of Kaavad
Tradition in Rajasthan' A Paper presentation at the 31st Indian
Folklore Congress and International Conference' - February 18-21, 2008
at Shantiniketan, W Bengal.
- 2006 ‘Whats the story?’, PUBLIC SERVICE REVIEW: TRANSPORT, LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND THE REGIONS, UK Co-authored with Dr Anxo Roibas, University of Brighton, UK
- 2005 ‘Claiming Animation for India’, ANIMAC, SPAIN 2005 ‘The Challenges of a Sleeping Giant’, vol. XXI # 4 DESIGN ISSUES, USA
- 1994 ‘A Student Remembers’ , contribution to a book NASREEN IN RETROSPECT,
- 1992 'Frame by Frame', A paper prepared for a symposium on teaching animation in Urbino, Italy, NID Publications 'Quick on the Draw' TIMES OF INDIA '92
- 1984-1989 'Castles in the air' DESIGNFOLIO 8 NID'89 'What's the story' CINEMA ACTION, France,'88 'An animator's story' INDIAN EXPRESS, Ahmedabad'88 'About myself, about my work' WOMEN IN DESIGN, Rizzoli, New York'87. 'New directions in Indian animation' SUNDAY SENTINEL, Guwahati'84.
- 2002 Organized the International Conference, SUTRA, Storytelling in the Digital Age at NID in collaboration with Glorianna Davenport, MIT Media Lab, USA. |
Contact Details:
Industrial Design Centre,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Powai, Mumbai 400076
Web: http://www.ninasabnani.com
