. Faculty
at IDC
IDC, IIT Bombay
Mechanical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) Madras
Product Design from Industrial Design Centre (IDC), IIT Bombay
Art Education from Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Providence, USA
Specific Areas of Work:
Teaching, Research and Practice in the following areas:
- Visual Design,
- Product Design,
- Visual Language,
Digital Resources,
- New Media Design,
- Design for Learning,
- Signage System Design,
- Information Visualisation,
- Collaborative Social Environments,
- Interactive Media and Interaction Devices.
Research Projects:
. 'Jellow' a communication device for those effected by Cerebral Palsy, based on an interface using emotional language protocol
. 'Collaborative Virtual Tools' as a learning environment for children
. 'Organisation
and Structuring of Information' - in various media to facilitate construction
and visualisation of information
. 'Design, Technology and Culture' - exploring triadic relationship between
Design, Culture and Technology in the context of India.
. 'Graphic Symbols for Hospitals, Railways, Buildings' as a wayfinding
navigational aid for public facilities in India
. 'Devanagiri Typefaces' - new forms and variations in san serif letter
Sponsored Projects:
. COSMIC - Centre of Social Media Innovations for Communities
a project sponsored by the Media Development authority, Singapore with partner institutions IIT Bombay with NUS and NTU in Singapore
. e-kapla project on designinga digital learning environment for Design in India sponsored by MHRD, India
. 'Communication Environment in Remote Locations' sponsored by Motorola
Research Labs
. 'Interactive Group Learning through Play' sponsored by Microsoft India
. 'Collaborative Learning Environments', sponsored by Microsoft Research,
Seattle, USA
. 'Experience driven Public Spaces' by Ministry of Human Resources (MHRD),
N Delhi
. Virtual Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning' (VCTEL)
between the 5 IITs, 4 IIMs in India and CMU, USA (to focus on distance
learning, digital libraries and collaborative research programs)
. 'Design Expo programme on Interaction Design', sponsored by Microsoft
Research, Seattle, USA and Yahoo, USA
. 'University workshop programme on Interaction Design',sponsored by Interval
Research Corp,. Palo Alto, USA
. 'Applications of Hypermedia' sponsored by AICTE, N Delhi
. 'Educational Technology' sponsored by MHRD/AICTE, N Delhi
. 'Audio-visual Research and Training Cell' sponsored by MHRD, N Delhi
Professional Projects:
. 'Vision Project' on communication interface for IPTV for Microsoft
. 'Kid-Learn Project' on collaborative play-learn childrens environment for Microsoft Research
. 'Communication Device in Remote Locations' sponsored by Motorola Research
. 'Corporate Identity and Retail Design for KhaZanA shops' for Khadims
Group, Kolkatta
. 'Corporate Vision and Retail Design' for Bharat Petroleum Corporation
. 'Siddham Caligraphy' a AV-Video Programme for Indira Gandhi National
Centre for Arts (IGNCA)
. 'Electronic Voting Machine' (EVM) for Election Commission
. 'Sign Systems and Corporate Retail Design' for Indian Oil Corporation
. 'Software System Manuals' for Larsen and Toubro
. 'Electrical Main Distribution Panels' for Siemens.
Selected Publications:
> Design Education
> Design, Technology and Culture
> Designing for Children
> Collaborative Environments
> Interaction Design
> Wayfinding and Identity Systems
> Communication Design
- click here for publications
Selected Responsibilities:
2011 – onwards Co-PI for COSMIC lab at IDC IIT Bombay
2010 - onwards
Pi, e-kalpa Project on Digital Learning Environment for Design
2010 – onwards Editor of ‘Design Thoughts’ – IDC Research Journal
2009 – 2011: Incharge, Play and Learn lab + e-kalpa Lab
2006 – 2009: Head, Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay
1997 – 2006: Co-ordinator, Visual Communication programme
1997 – 2002: Head, Educational Technology Centre, IIT Bombay
1990 – 2000: Incharge of Digital Media Studio at IDC (including
1886 – 2000: Incharge of Video Studio at IDC (including development)
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Contact Details:
Industrial Design Centre,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Powai, Mumbai 400076
091-22-2576 7820
091-22-2576 7801
091-22-2578 3480
091-22-2576 7803
email: ravi[at]iitb.ac.in
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