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Title: 'Conceptualizing Visual perception for Form Generation'
Supervisor: Prof B K Chakravarthy
A product needs to have aesthetic value
along with maintaining its functional needs. The form of a product is
the foremost visual element which communicates the value of the product
by creating mental associations. This evokes different responses from
the user depending upon his/her individual experiences and training.
Thus it becomes crucial to assess the basis of perceptual view while
evaluating visual preferences of the user. Our research is an endeavor
to assess the understanding of this aspect of visual perception that is
based on abstraction to make holistic visual decisions pertaining to the
3D form.
The purpose of the study is to unite and generate theoretical background
of the Form Perception triggered by psychology, abstraction and
cognition. These functions of the mind form the methodology of the human
mental processing, that enhances the understanding and helps sort out
and store concepts that can be revoked and used as per requirements.
There is perhaps a formal, logical way all perception gets abstracted in
the human mind. By contextualizing it with form generation, it can evoke
interesting relationships between perception of the creator and
perception of the viewer.
The research attempts to contribute to provide the designer, a
conceptual framework for form generation based on the aesthetic
perception of the target user.
Papers in conference proceedings:
- "How do People view Abstract Art: an Eye Movement Study to assess Information Processing and viewing strategy." In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Research into Design. ICoRD'13. Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai. January 2013.
Author - Sharma Susmita Y., Chakravarthy B. K.
- "Perception of Form: A Peep on the Eye." In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research into Design. ICoRD'11. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. January 2011.
Author - Sharma Susmita Y., Chakravarthy B. K.
- "Stage gate Process for Innovation- A Pedagogical case study." In Proceedings of the 10th global conference on Flexible systems Management. GloGift'10. Keio University, Japan.. July 2010.
Author - Chakravarthy B. K, Sharma Susmita Y., Kusale S.
- "Abstraction: Investigating the Phenomena to Facilitate Form Creation in Design." In Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Design Research . International Association of Societies of Design Research. IASDR'09. COEX, Seol. Korea. October 2009.
Author - Sharma Susmita Y., Chakravarthy B. K.
- "Walk the Thought: Reaching out in the Mind's space". In Proceedings of the 3rd International conference on Design Computing &Cognition. DCC'08. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. June 2008.
Author - Athavankar U., Bokil P, Guruprasad K, Patsute R. and Sharma Susmita.
Contact details:
Industrial Design
IIT Bombay
Powai, Mumbai
E-mail: susmitasharma[at]iitb.ac.in