
Bachelor of Design (B.Des)
Candidates who have qualified in UCEED 2019 and wishing to pursue B.Des at IIT Bombay, IIT Guwahati, or IIITDM Jabalpur can apply for admission using the common application form available through
Master of Design (M.Des)
The following are the steps for admission to the Master of Design programme in Product Design, Communication Design, Interaction Design, Animation and Mobility & Vehicle Design:
1. You'll need to have the requisite undergraduate qualifications (Check Admission Brochure)
2. Pass the All India Common Entrance Examination for Design (CEED), conducted by IIT Bombay
3. Apply and Qualify through the M.Des Admission
Admissions to M Des for International Students
IDC admits foreign students for the Master of Design programme. The details are given in the section on International students
PhD in Design
Admissions to Ph D programme in Design
Have a look at the Ph D programme procedure to seek admission at IDC IIT Bombay.
Post Doctoral Fellow positions
Institute Post-doctoral (post-doc) fellowships are available in various academic Departments, Centres, Schools and Inter-disciplinary programs at IIT Bombay. There is no last date for the applications. The Search Committees meet regularly to consider the applications and arrange for invited seminars and/or interviews as the need arises. Please write to head.idc@iitb.ac.in for specific information.
> Admissions