
Design of Interactive Products


17 March - 1 April, 2025

Registration closes : 10/03/2025

Oct 2025


May 2026


About the Course

This course gives as an exposure to the design process, including user studies, interaction design and design evaluation. This course gives participants an exposure to issues, theories, principles and heuristics relating to human interaction with interactive products. It also provides participants hands-on practice through a course project.

This course will be offered in two modes, either as a full time course delivered in-person or as an online course delivered on weekends. The course runs synchronously in both modes. The course counts towards 12 credits in the ePGD programme in Interaction Design offered by IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay.

Swarachakra Keyboard

Who should attend?

This programme is for you if you are:

  • An interaction designer, a user interface designer or a user experience designer with little formal exposure to design
  • A design professional from another design discipline who wants to move to interaction design
  • A software professional with experience in user interface design, but no formal training
  • A quality professional in the IT industry, who would like to learn about usability or interaction design
  • A product manager responsible for the delivery of software products
  • A faculty member in a design school or an engineering college who would like to teach a course on topics such as human-computer interaction, user studies, interaction design or design evaluation.

Goals and Outcomes

This course has two goals:
  • Firstly, it gives participants an exposure to issues, theories, principles and concerns relating to human interaction with interactive products.
  • Secondly, it provides participants hands-on practice with the process and the techniques related to user studies, interaction design and design evaluation.
Intended outcomes of the course:
  • Participants should be able to conceptualise, design and evaluate interactive products.
  • Those who are already involved in these activities should be able to improve the quality of their work, and should understand the theory behind what they do.
  • Those responsible for the process should be able to make the process in their organisations more user-centred.

Contents and Schedule

The table below shows the planned contents for the in-person continuous version of the course. The weekend, online version of the course will have a slightly different schedule, but similar contents. In both cases, these contents are indicative. Some content may be added in each instance of the course. Specific schedules for an instance of the course may also vary slightly.

Day / Week
Session 1
Session 2
Day 1 / Week 1
Introduction and startup
Contextual interviews
Practise a contextual interview
Analysis and tips.
Plan and conduct interview 1
Day 2 / Week 2
Work models
Interpreting interviews
Interpret interview 1
Conduct interview 2
Day 3 / Week 3
Consolidation using affinity
Case studies, learning from the field
Interpret interview 2
Conduct interview 3
Day 4 / Week 4
Other user studies methodsLayers of user experience
Sharing session, plan remaining interviews
Off day / week
Conduct and interpret interviews
Begin the affinity
Off day / week
Continue affinity (optional)
Finish the affinity, prepare for presentation 1
Day 5 / Week 5
Presentation 1: Findings from user studies
Conceptual models
User models
User experience goals
Day 6 / Week 6
Interaction design scenarios
Creative ideation workshop
Build personas and scenarios
Day 7 / Week 7
Patterns, guidelines and standards
Heuristics and principles of human-computer interaction
Build personas and scenarios
Interaction design case studies
Day 8 / Week 8
Detail out the interfaces
Prototype the design
Prepare for presentation 2
Day 9 / Week 9
Design evaluation
Presentation 2: Personas, scenarios, interfaces
Plan evaluations
Off day / week
Plan and do evaluations
Off day / week
Continue affinity (optional)
Day 10 / Week 10
Design processIntegrating HCI with software engineering
Do evaluations
Day 11 / Week 11
Institutionalising HCI - the challenges in IndiaIntegrating HCI methods in your workUser experience metrics
RedesignPrepare for presentation 3
Day 12 / Week 12
Presentation 3: Findings from evaluations, final design
Feedback, Lessons learnt, Wrap up

Course instructor(s)


The fees for this course will be ₹2,44,543 (₹ 2,07,240 + ₹ 37,303 GST).
The fees includes
Course materials, which will be distributed digitally.

Lunch and tea breaks when you are in-campus.
The fees does NOT include
Learn about accommodation here.
Please note that TDS need NOT be deducted towards payments made to IIT Bombay. A certificate to this effect is available on request.

Registration Process

Eligibility Criteria

You have an undergraduate degree (or equivalent) from a recognised university in any of these disciplines: design, engineering, architecture, fine arts, applied arts, information architecture, ergonomics / human factors, writing and communication.
You have any other undergraduate degree from a university recognised by IIT Bombay  and if you have work experience in the industry of 3 years or more in any of these roles: user interface designer, user experience designer, web developer, information architect, graphic designer, visual designer, copywriter, product manager, brand manager.

Preparing Documents

Before you register for your first ePGD IxD course, please keep these documents handy:

  • Proof of Identity
  • Proof of Address
  • Previous academic and work experience certificates (see eligibility criteria above)
  • Birth certificate
  • Any additional documents specified by the IDC School of Design or the Educational Outreach Office.

At the time of registration for a course, you will need to submit a scanned copy of the documents listed above. Please merge all the above documents into a single PDF before you start registration.

Steps to register

Please follow the following process to register for a course:

  • Please visit and click on the link "List CEP/GIAN Courses".
  • Locate the course that you wish to register for and click on the "Apply" button below it. Create an account and login if necessary. Then fill out the course registration form. You will be asked to submit the above documents.
  • IDC School of Design will verify that you meet the eligibility criteria of the ePGD IxD programme and will approve your application. You will get an email of this approval (usually within 24 hours).
  • After your application is approved, you are allowed to complete your registration and pay the fees. Login on again, click on "My Courses" and click on the button called "Application Submission Details".
  • Pay the fees. You could pay by UPI, internet banking, credit or debit cards, demand draft (DD), or choose to pay through your company. If you choose DD, you will need to have the DD details ready. If you choose to use company payment, please have the name and contact details of the person in your company who will manage the payment.
  • After IIT Bombay receives your fee, you will get a confirmation email.
  • Course instructors may send you more instructions after that.

In case you need any help with registration, please send an email to

After Registration

After you have registered, you need to do two important things after you register for your first course:

  • APAAR Number Generation: After you register for your first course of ePGD IxD, you will need to create your  Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) account and generate an APAAR number. Once you have done that, please email it to You need to complete this process before the course begins.
  • Document Verification: At the time of registration, you will need to submit a scanned copy of the documents listed above. However, please note that before the award of the ePGD IxD certificate, you must present their original documents for verification by the office of IDC School of Design in the IIT Bombay campus. You can get your document verification done at any time after you register for your first course.

You need to do the above steps only once. From your second course onwards, you need to simply register for the course.

Cancellation Policy

In general, all course fees paid for the ePGD programme are not refundable. Only in case of unavoidable reasons beyond the control of the participant, the course fee may be refunded if the request is received in advance. A request in this regard could be sent to this email id: If your request is received 30 days before the start of the course, IIT Bombay will refund 80% of the fees paid. If your request is received 15 days before the start of the course, IIT Bombay will refund 60% of the fees paid. Cancellation requests received after that will not receive any refund.

Credits and Certification

Participants get 12 credits after passing this course which count towards the ePGD in Interaction Design from IIT Bombay. Please refer to the Credits / Certification section of the FAQs for more details.


Please send an email to if you would like to avail accommodation in the IIT Bombay guest house or hostel. These will be confirmed based on availability after you pay the course fees. Please remember that accommodation costs are not included in the course fees. Please refer to the Accommodation section of the FAQs for more details.