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    Invitation for Exhibition  
4D Living: From Housing to Affordable Living  Venue:
Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay
Jan 16th to Jan 19th, 2015
10.00 am to 5.30 pm

Industrial Design Centre at IIT Bombay, with its dedicated team of project staff and students. looked at the problem of affordable housing through the Industrial Designer's lens. The ideas are being showcased in the exhibition, '4D Living'. Some of the key features of this initiative:

3D Living: Users 3D volume for efficient living with in limited footprint.
4D Living: Creates a new dimension of 'affordable living' by adding smart shared-services, incremental transformation and expansion of spaces


3.00 pm, Jan 16th, IDC Auditorium.
Arun Kashikar

Head, R&D Tata Housing

Directions to IIT Campus: Click here                                                 

Home > Events > Exhibition: 4D Living

Prof. B K Chakravarthy
Head, Industrial Design Centre

Prof. Uday Athavankar
Convener, Exhibition 4D Living

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