. News
. Schedule
. Academic Calender
. Workshops/Seminars
. In-house Programs
. Previous Programs
. Seminar: Design Experience
. Annual Degree Show
. Student Festivals
. Awards for IDCians
. Participation in Seminars |

Workshop-Seminar-Conferences at IDC:
IDC regularly conducts seminars, conferences, exhibitions, workshops
and specialized programmes on design and related subjects for
the industry and other institutions on a continuing basis.
List of selected national and international seminars:
. National Seminar on Design Education 'Ulm and After'
. Seminar on Indian symbology
. Seminar 'Aksharayoga' on calligraphy and typography
. International Conference 'Arthaya' on semantics
. Seminar on Designing for Children
. International Congress on Humanizing Work and Work Environment.
. Seminar on Surface Finishes
List of selected workshops and short term course topics:
. Creativity and Problem Solving
. Product Planning
. Design Methods
. Product Ergonomics
. Publication Design
. Designing for Children
. Design of Signage's
. Interaction Design
. Human Computer Interaction
here for the schedule of events by IDC:

> Events
About Workshops and Seminars
