Interactive Systems



Home> Trust> Process
Design for all - social, cultural and contextual
Designing an interactive communication system/device for different levels of closeness/trust between people

2nd Jan 2004  
Identification and understanding the Problem:
(- Today, we shall collaboratively as a group search, discuss, work, brain-storm, body-storm to identify a problem to solve).
- One needs to build on another's idea. No criticising even if the idea is ridiculous.
Take notes, find key words, draw sketches/doodles, make connections, network diagrams (Mind Maps), wish list, etc.

1. Who?
. User Group Character/Expression/Metaphor
. Kids - ? ? ?
. Teenagers - ? ? ?
. Elderly - ? ? ?
. Friends - ? ? ?
. Family - ? ? ?
. Work Colleagues - ? ? ?
. Social Group - ? ? ?
. Disadvantaged - ? ? ?


 2nd Jan 2004   
2. What?
. In addition to ''Person-to Person Communication'', what other activities would you choose?
. Learn
. Play
. Entertain
. Work
. Relax
. . . . . . .


 2nd Jan 2004   
3. Where?
. Position a place/space for the activity - (spatial)
. Office
. Streets
. Playground
. Home
. City
. . . . . . .


 2nd Jan 2004    

4. Problem Familiarisation:
. Identify Key-words in your problem area
. 'User' - ' Interactive' - 'Media' - 'Person-to Person communication' -- 'Senses' -- 'Environment'
. Do a network diagram of your key- words ie. 'User', 'interactive', 'Media' 'Person-to-Person Communication, 'Environment' and try to connect it to as many related factors as possible.
. You might end up with many branching connections. Do them as quick   diagrams.
.  These diagrams help in discussions and in seeing the overall relationships   between the various aspects of the problem.


 2nd Jan 2004    
5. Technology Search:
. Search for information in one of the following areas:
  > Innovative Personal Interactive Devices
  > Innovative Input and Output Devices
  > Innovative experimentation with Media

The best place is off course the Net, then our Central Library in the Journal section and then in Magazines and Books

You'll need to make a presentation in three weeks time showing the search you have done. Also all the printed material needs to be compiled together.

Presentation in 3 weeks

14th Jan 2004  

6. Ask Questions on 'Trust?' 'Person to Person Communication?' 'Media?'
  > What, Why, When, How, Kinds, Whom, Where, etc. and find answers      to the above questions in each of the keyword areas
  > when asking questions look at the situation from different points of       view - social, psychological, economic, technical, cultural, macro,       micro, etc

  6a. Collectively brainstorming
    > sit as a group and collectively do an analysis of finding the answers to        the above and related questions.

  6b. Think of Metaphors for 'Trust'
    > as indexical connotations

  6c. Talking to experts
    > Sociologists,
    > Cultural Anthropologists,
    > Psychologists, etc

  6d. History of Person to Person Communication
    > different cultures, traditions, Events,
    > Use of Media,
    > Myths, stories, etc

  6e. In addition to 'Trust' also look at these keywords: 'Sharing' - 'Roles' - 'Intimacy' - 'Immediacy'
    > ask questions
    > brain storm,
    > do mind maps, etc

14th Jan 2004  
Understanding your User:
  > Ask Questions - Questionnaire
  > Interview them - talk to them
  > Study them - Observe - Record

Understanding the Users:
- You'll need to find time to meet, question and study the users. As well as document them doing the activity
- a digital camera, video camera is a must.
(We shall also try to role play the user and understand his interactions with the world.)

  7a. Make a list of the physical, social world connected to your 'user'? (in terms of varying social distances personal, social and public)
              .                              .
              .                              .
              .                              .
7b. What kind of Interactions does your 'user' do?
              .                              .
              .                              .
              .                              .
7c. Is there a list of activities specific to your 'user'?
              .                              .
              .                              .
              .                              .
7d. What kind of places/Spaces would your 'user' be in?
              .                              .
              .                              .
              .                              .
7e. How does the 'user' make use of his senses, expressions, gestures, movements, body while interacting?
              .                              .
              .                              .
              .                              .


21st Jan 2004  
Analysing the Problem:
Till now, we have gone through a generative process of trying to seek and understand as much as possible about the subject, user, interaction, environment, and the need for an interactive system for people-to-people communication.. It was days of cross-relating information, divergence of viewpoints, etc.
- Today, first we shall collaboratively as a group analyse, dissect, sub-classify, and order the problem to solve.
- Categorise the information, group similar ones into chunks, order the information in terms of hierarchy of importance
- Understand the semantic issues connected with the word 'Trust'
- Focus on to your user group.


8.0 Analysing your user
8.1 Focussing on your user (witin the user group would you like to concentrate on a focussed group?)
              .                              .
              .                              .
8.2 Order the activities on your user(Classify the various socialising/trust driven activities of your user according to importance)
              .                              .
              .                              .
8.3 Order the different environments of your user(Classify the different environment that your user uses for trusting according to hierarchy)
              .                              .
              .                              .
8.4 Order the different senses being used by your user (Classify the different senses that your user uses for trusting according to hierarchy)
              .                              .
              .                              .
8.5 Order the interactions of your user (Classify the different interactions that your user uses (his senses and actions) for trusting according to hierarchy)
              .                              .
              .                              .
8.6 Which of the medias are being used by your user for trusting? (Classify the different medias that your user uses for trusting according to hierarchy)
              .                              .
              .                              .
8.7 What Cultural factors are associated with your user for trusting? (Classify these in the context of trusting according to hierarchy) .
              .                              .
              .                              .
8.8 Which are the Visual and sensorial expressions connected with your user for trusting? (Classify these in the context of trusting and according to hierarchy)
              .                              .
              .                              .


21st Jan 2004  
9. Task Analysis:
Do a 'Activity --Time - Senses - Spaces - Function' chart for one of the existing scenarios common to your user.
       Activity       Time       Senses       Spaces       Function
          .                .               .                .                 .
          .                .               .                .                  .


21st Jan 2004   
10. Redefine the Problem:
Rewrite your objectives - to be more specific and focussed towards user group


21st Jan 2004   
11. Wish List:
create a 'wish list' of wish it was this way - whenever you get an idea.


28th Jan 2004   
12.0 Thinking of Metaphors/Associations/Connections
12.1 Think of metaphors/associations/connections that are suited to your users (witin the user group would you like to concentrate on a focussed group?)
              .                              .
              .                              .
12.2 Further define the metaphors
(witin the user group would you like to concentrate on a focussed group?)


28th Jan 2004   

13.0 Thinking of Ideas
13.1 Relate the metaphors to your user needs/problems and derive ideas for a service/device/product/situation from this.



28th Jan 2004   
14.0 Initial Concepts
Convert the ideas into initial concepts:
14.1 Think of initial concepts create a 'wish list' of wish it was this way - whenever you get an idea.
              .                              .


4th February 2004  
15.0 Prototyping
15.1 Prototype through 'Scenario building'
    . create a sequence of events of actions and reactions by the typical users       almost creating a story board on how to use the device.
15.2. Prototype through 'play acting'
          . a new way of creating prototype - like in a theatre, your group             does the scenerio by assuming you yourself is the device.
15.3. Refine your 'Rough sketches'
     . hand-drawn, not CG conceptual sketches are crucial for idea generation


4th February 2004  
14. Users feedback with the prototypes:
Discuss the scenerio with the users and get their feedback for each of your concepts


4th February 2004   
16.0 Final Concepts:
1st possibility:
     . Redesign of an existing product around the users environment
2nd possibility:
     . Inroduce a new product into the users environment
3rd possibility:
    . Design of a wearable/portable personal product for the user
4th Possibility:
     . Design of a social product as a community device

        IIT Bombay