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Vinayak K Raje
BE (Mechanical)
Contact Details

Transportation Design , Project ll,M Des PD
IDC, IIT Bombay

Immobilization device
for head and neck cancer patients on radiotherapy couch
Guide : Prof U A Athavankar
In India 60% of the cancer patients are suffering from head and neck cancer. For them radiotherapy is the best treatment as it is painless and there is less cosmetic damage to the face of patient. For the treatment beam to be perfectly reaching the tumor and not normal working cells an immobilization device is used. Amongst existing methods are plaster of paris mould and thermoplastic mould which takes considerable amount of time and money. The immobilization device effectively positions a range of patients (child of 6 years age to a fully grown adult) on radiotherapy couch, thus eliminating the tedious plaster moulding method reducing overall patient positioning time considerably .

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