Placements Introduction:
IDCians are most sought after in design industry in India and abroad. IDC alumni are leading design professionals in across the domains of Automobile design, User
experience design, Typography, Animation and are associated with MNCs, Start-ups and NGOs as well.
The Placements for the present 2009 IDC batch start in III week of May and run parallel to Design Degree Show. Recruiters can interact with students over their project
prototypes, films and portfolios.
IDC, IIT Bombay has all facilities (interview rooms, conference halls and video conferencing) for firms to select best designers from the institute.
- Invitations are sent to companies/ design firms with relevant information and Job Announcement Form (JAF).
- The company sends in filled up JAF within a week to respective student co-ordinator by email.
- The company is allocated the date for conducting campus interview, as per ranking given by students.
- The company visits the campus on the allocated date and conducts the Personal interviews, Group discussion as part of the selection process.
- The company is requested to adhere to the date allocated to it, as per the Placement calendar. Variations in the same will not be entertained.
- Company should furnish the list of selected students on the same day, of having conducted interviews as per the Placement Policy.
Stay tuned to this page for further updates.
Job Announcement Form
The JAF provides the primary basis of communicating the details of positions offered to candidates. It is therefore highly
desirable that the form is completed in all respects.
Interested firms may download the form to fill the details and mail it to vijaypavan[at]iitb.ac.in
IDC Office
Ph: +91 22 2576 7801
IIT Bombay Placement Office
Placement Cell,
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
Powai, MUMBAI – 400076, INDIA.
Ph: +91 22 2576 7083