
Dig Folk Tales initiative:
This research project is intended to preserve traditional forms of folk tales in digital form - efforts are aimed at resourcing, analyzing and visualizing the content in different medias and making it freely accessible to all.
Group Members:
Prof. Ravi Poovaiah
Prof. G V Sreekumar
Prof. Raja Mohanty
Prof. Shilpa Ranade
Aksharayoga - Type Design:
Investigation into tradition, culture, art and craft forms in relation to development and design of fonts in various Indian languages.
Group Members:
Prof. Sreekumar
Prof. Ravi Poovaiah
Explore Bamboo:
Bamboo as the fastest growing biomass is eco friendly and a future material for designers. This group works on exploring creative design options using Bamboo.
Group Members:
Prof. A G Rao
Prof. B K Chakravarthy
Collaborative Environments:
This project is aimed at creating collaborative environments for socializing, learning and play for different user groups like children, elderly and physically disadvantaged.
Group Members:
Prof. Ravi Poovaiah
Prof. U A Athavankar
Prof. G G Ray
Active People Watching:
As technology becomes affordable to large sections of the society it shows the potential to penetrate social, linguistic and literacy barriers in the society. In this context, design has a greater role to play. Designers of today are not only being called upon to decide how a product will look, but also how it will behave and what it will do. These products not only need to meet the expressed and latent needs of users, they also need to satisfy cultural aspirations of real people and bring about a desirable societal change.
Designers in the new millennium need deeper understanding of users than they ever did before. In this group, we blend ethnographic approaches with traditional techniques of data gathering. We experiment with practices of watching people, analyzing findings and generating and evaluating design ideas.
Group Members:
Prof. U A Athavankar
Prof. Ravi Poovaiah
Prof. Anirudha Joshi
Interfaces for All:
The aim of the project is to research in new paradigms of interaction design for next generation users of technology - people across literacy, language, age, gender and social barriers. We use ethnographic approach in understanding needs and problems of users, innovation and creativity in design and deployment and iterative evaluation for usability and appropriateness.
These are some of the projects of the group:
. Text input in Indian languages (Keylekh, E-lekh, Dynakey)
. New paradigms in software interfaces (Bhav Pucchiye, aAQUA) . Tangible user interfaces (Hardware browser)
. Education for nomadic tribes (Educational games)
The 'Interfaces for All' project is funded by the Media Labs Asia.
Group Members:
Anirudha Joshi, Prof. UA Athvankar, Siddharth Nair, Vikram Parmar, Jitender Singh, Dr. MV Ananthakrishnan, Abhishek Thakkar, Prasad Wani, Vimal Balakrishnan, Imtiaj Mulla