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Aesthetic What I like (see also Kitsch)
Analysis A technique of measuring the temperature
of animals. Has nothing to do with design
Apple The ultimate temptation for a designer
as in "An Apple a day keeps the IBM away"
Art Anything you can get away with
Art Works Rarely
Art Nouveau Literally new art - out of
style since 1890 (see also Futurism)
Asymmetry A device for measuring the intelligence
of donkeys (from ass and matron ( Greek)for measure) (don't see Symmetry)
Attention Holding Device Usually a women
Balance Something all designers lose sometime
or the other
Beauty The lie in the eye of the beholder
Bibliography Books that I ought to have
read.or The list of books available on this topic in the library. or A recursive
term - A bibliography is made up of other bibliographies
Bold / Individualistic Approach Didn't
do any data collection
Calligraphy Art form that reminds us that
one must never cry over spilt ink
Chairman Someone who knows nothing of
what is going on during a presentation
Chaos Two or more designers
Closure the mind of the designer after
generating the first concept
Colour Scheme What remains in the paint
glass after the previous guy has mixed his paints
Combination A couple working together on
a project actually meant for one person
Communications Design The art and practice
of making unlookable what was already unintelligible
Composition An essay
Concepts Things made after finalization
of product or design to show that a lot of work has been done
Consumer The man who matters to the sales
department but not to the designer
Continuity The repetition of a single style
in various forms by a designer irrespective of the problem
Contrast The difference in payment between
a new and an established designer
Creative whimsical (see also Creativity)
Creativity Method of achieving the whimsical
(see also Creative)
Cubism Art movements that treats them as
though they were blockheads
Culture Free Product A Bastard
Dadaism The art of getting away by sheer
muscle power (dadagiri)
Data Collection Something done to justify
travel and photography expences. Entails intense literature survey through
Design journals, books, etc., to find previous solutions to the problem
at hand
Design used in plural as designs eg., "He
has designs on the clients money"
Designer(n) A person involved in the above
Design Brief A job of undercover fashion
Design Terminology Something that helps
in making a successful presentation (see also Presentation)
Documentation Planning for show off
DTP A movement that aims at achiving Death
To Printers
Dummy Designers view of his client
Elegance of solution/ simplicityRefusal
to do hard work
Ergonomics Yet another character created
by Goscinny and Uderoz
Experimental Absolutely useless (see also
Exploded View A plaster model that fell
Extension Uneasy way out or An easy way
Fade In The realization that ones favorite
design concept cannot work
Fade Out Something that happens to designer
when he works late into the night
Figure and Ground The amount charged for
the design (the Figure) and the reasons for the same (the Ground)
Final Design Solution The point at which
you stop thinking
Foams Something the manufacturer/Printer
does when he sees your design
Form Slips of paper to be filled out for
official use. Usually in various colours (see also Product Form)
Futurism Art movement that went out of
style in 1920 (see also Art Nouveau)
Gestalt A dinner table pleasantry usually
spoken with the mouth full. Means Get Salt
Gradation Pattern of grades received by
a class after end semester evaluation
Value The
moral sense of designer
Grid Something
done to lions eg., He grid his lions for the fight
Guide Someone
who doesn't
Hi-Light Saying
hello to a bulb
Hi-tec image Something
that sells or Something the profs do not understand
I-con A
designer's admission of guilt
rather in-Personal computer
Injection Moulding The
ultimate solution to all Product Design production problems
Innovative Useless
Jargon Something
a designer uses to get away with his designs
Kitsch What
others like
LaserWriter A
machine which has raised the standard of letters home (see also toner)
Lateral Thinking Thinking
while lying down-sleeping
Macintosh Computer A
machine which calculates the dimensions of raincoats
Market Research Reading
up all the Sunday supplements
Mass Appeal A
case of sour grapes for most designers
Mental Block Outgrowth
on a designers neck in place of a head
Methodology Something
that tells you what went wrong (after it went wrong) but can never help
you get it right in the first place
Minimalism More
through less
Mock-up Model Design
concept meant to make fun of the client
Mouse Pad Usually
a hole in the wall
Negative Space The
amount of working space available to the design team in most companies
Organic Architecture Architecture
taken over by the natural elements - namely in ruins
Organic Design Design
that is aimed at succeeding in the above
Origami High
Fidelity (see also Polygamy)
Originality Copying
from some unknown designer
Perception An
attribute all designers lack
Perspective Something
else all designers lack
Point of Visual focus Usually
the feminine model used to advertise the product
Polyesters Lots
of esters in a row
Polygamy Low
fidelity (see also Origami)
Presentation To
make a mountain out of a molehill
Problem Identification The
most important part of the design process.Comes after Problem Solution
Problem Solution The
stage before Problem Identification. or a bitter syrup
Product cycle Anything
from uni-cycle to multi-cycle (including Bit and Tri cycles of course)
Product form Slips
of paper that you fill in order to register for product design courses
Project report The
Official story or The only truly creative part of the entire project
Proximity The
probability of signing for someone else in the attendance register
Quality Something
always lost in the race against time
Registration Something
printers do at the beginning of the semester
Similarity The
strange commonality between your design and one that appeared in a design
journal two weeks ago
Specifications Little
cryptic squiggles on drawings to make whole thing look complicated
Symmetry place
where all designs go to at the end Toner A knob on a record-player
Trend Something
all designers like to set but end up following
Typography The
art of letter writing (though not necessarily better writing)
Ulm The
beginning of all our problems. Pronounced as zulm
Unity Something
a design group never has
User Hypothetical
creature whose profile changes along with the product being designed
Visual Communication Something
that has to be explained verbally to be understood visually
Visual ImpactExpression
on the clients face when he sees the bill or the product
Wire Frame Model A
very skinny lady advertising a product
Xerox Copy Cat
Yen Somthing
that give a designer enthusiasm (specially to participate in Japanese competitions)
Zen Nothing
to do with design though designers argue to the contrary
usual reaction to a presentation
by Punyashloke Mishra (VC 1988-90) with a little help from his friends
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