. Faculty
at IDC
IDC, IIT Bombay
List of Publications:
(as on March
15th, 2005)
1.0 Design Thinking, Visualization, Mental Imagery
2.0 Objects and Cultures
3.0 Product Semantics
4.0 Other
1.0 Design Thinking, Visualization, Mental Imagery and Sketching
Imagery and Spatial Reasoning, 'Visual and Spatial Reasoning',
Eds.John S, Garo and Barbara Tversky, Preprints of the International Conference
on Visual Reasoning (VR 99), MIT, June 15-17, 1999. pp 103-128.
here for paper: 
Imagery as a Design Tool,
Cybernetics and Systems, Vol 28, No 1, Jan-Feb, l997, pp 25-42. (Initially
published in Proceedings of the Thirteenth European meeting on Cybernetics
and Systems Ed. Robert Trappl. Austrian Society of Cybernetics Studies
and University of Vienna, Austria, April 19-12, 1996, Vol II, pp 382-387)
here for paper:
Learning to Handle Imagery Creativity,
Synopsis of presentation in the International Workshop on Cognitive Basis
of Learning, at Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, December 7 -
12, l995, Bombay, l995, Published in Vivek, NCST publication.
Learning from the way Designers Model Shapes
in their Mind, Cognitive Systems : from Intelligent Systems
to Artificial life? ed. J.R. Issac and V. Jindal, Tata McGraw-Hill, New
Delhi, 1997, pp 221-232.
Rediscovery the Act of Sketching: Implication
of its Support to the Creative Thought Process, Design Recherche,
No. 2, Sept. l992, pp 45-60.
Thinking Style and CAD, Proceedings
of Conference on Design Research, University of Compiegne, l990, pp 109-116.

1.1 Co-authored
Garde A, Kuthiala S and Athavankar U A., Interventions
in the Mental Imagery: Design process in a different perspective,
Proceeding of the 5th asian Design Conference, International Syposium
on Design Science, Seoul National University, Korea, Oct 11-13, 2001,
Gill N, Deshmukh H. S. And U. A. Athavankar, Imagery
as a private experience and architectural team work , Collaborative
Design, Eds. Stephen A.R. Scrivener, Linden J. Ball and Woodcock, Springer-Verlag,
London, 2000, pp 223-232.
M.V. Bhedasgaonkar, A. Jalote and U.A. Athavankar. Co-design:
sharing Mental Imagery?: Team Thinking in Filmmaking, Proceedings
of CoDesign 2000, Eds. Stephen A.R. Scrivener, Linden J. Ball and Woodcock,
Coventry September 11-13, 2000, pp.87-92 ,
Patil, S. and U. A. Athavankar Ringside view
of the mental imagery experiences of a design team,
Proceedings of Design Plus Research, Politechnico de Milano , Milan, Italy,
2000, pp 179- 186.

1.2 Other
Student Publications
The potential of mental imaging in architectural
design process Singh, A. Proceedings of International Conference
on Design and Technology Educational Research and Curriculum Development,
IDATER 99. University of Loughborough , England, 1999, pp230-236.
Castles in air : A strategy to model shapes in
a computer Varshney, S. Proceedings of third Asia Pacific Computer
Human Interaction Conference (APCHI'98) Japan ,July 1998, pp350- 355.

Objects and Cultures
Meeting the Challenges of Globalization, Proceedings of the conference
'Design for Development', Nov 9, 2001, by Design Institute, Durban, South
Africa, In press.
Challenges of Desperate Extremes, Proceedings of ICSID 2001, Seoul,
Korea, Oct 7-11,2001, ICSID, pp 36-42.
From Global Village to Real Village, Proceedings of the Educational
panel, ICSID 2001, Seoul, Korea, Oct 7-11, 2001.
Identity: A Biodata of Objects?, in Proceedings of the Conference
'disContinuous Threads', NCPA, Mumbai, Dec 10-12,1997.
Cultural Identity and Design, Challenges to Designers in Traditional
Cultures, Formdiskurs, Journal of Design & Design Theory, no. 3, II/1997,
pp 68-81.
Objects and Cultural Notions, in Proceeding of the Third International
Conference on Design Education in Developing Countries, Pretoria, South
Africa, March 25-27, l997.
Globalization and the Roots in the Culture, Architecture + Design,
Vol XIII, no 6, Nov-Dec l996, pp 98, 99
Mapping the Globalized Mind, International Seminar: Design Odyssey
2010, IDC, Bombay, December 1994, (proceeding not published)

3.0 Product Semantics
Natural Language and the Art of Object Creation, Are there any
common Issues? In proceeding of Indian Congress on Knowledge and Language,
Mysore, l996, Vol III, pp 1 - 22.
Surface as 'Interface": Confronting the New Semantic Issues in Product
Form, Proceedings of International Convention on Surface Engineering,
Bangalore, India, l992.
The Semantic Profile of Products, In Semantic Vision in Design,
Ed. Vihima Susan, University of Industrial Art, UIAH, Helsinki, 1990,
pp D1 - 31,
Categorizatiion : Natural Language and Design, Design Issues, Chicago,
Vol l, no2, 1989, pp 100-111

Other Publications
Urban Street Furniture Design, A Problem of Handling a Complex System,
Fountainhead, Oct - Dec. l996.
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Contact details:
Industrial Design Centre,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Powai, Mumbai 400076
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