. Schedule
. Seminar: Design Experience
DDS 2010 Website
. Annual Degree Show

'Aaroha: Design Degree Show 2010'
26th - 27th June 2010 at Nehru Centre, Mumbai
DDS Inauguration & Exhibition: 26th June 11.00 am at Nehru Centre, Mumbai
Second Day DDS Exhibition: 27th June 2009: 11.00 am to 7.00 pm
Design Degree Show (DDS) is the annual event, showcasing the design efforts at the Industrial Design Centre (IDC) at IIT Bombay.
DDS is aimed at creating design awareness in society and simultaneously offers a platform for people to meet and interact, as a facilitator for new ideas to emerge and fruitful collaborations to materialize.
The following events are being organized as part of DDS 2010:
1. Exhibition of Student Projects
2. Student Project Presentations
3. IDC Animation/Film Screenings
4. Workshop on Design for High School Students
5. Seminars on Design Experience
6. Designers meet
The show will be held at Nehru Centre, Mumbai from 26th to 27th June 2010.The exhibition will consist of exhibits displaying the design solutions of graduating students from the streams of Visual
Communication, Interaction Design, Animation Design and Product Design. Alongside the exhibition, the students shall be delivering short presentations on their work and will screen their project films and animations.
This year along with the exhibition and presentation of projects, a number of events are scheduled alongside which students, professionals and general public can be a part of:
Design Experience Seminar: 22nd - 23rd June 2010 at IDC IIT Bombay
Meet talented people from various creative disciplines who have rocked the recent past. This event provides an excellent opportunity for students, individuals as well as professionals from the industry to witness their work and to interact with them.
Design Workshop: 24th June 2010 at IDC IIT Bombay
The workshops are aimed at generating design awareness and fostering learning. In the event, day long workshops will be conducted on subjects like Bio-mimicry in design, Mapping senses to media, calligraphy and many more
or for further details contact:
DDS Co-ordinator
Industrial Design Centre
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Powai,
Mumbai- 400 076, India
Phone: 091-022-2576 7801, 091-022-2576 7802
Fax: 091-022-2576 7803, 091-022-2572
If you have any queries, please contact: dds.aaroha[at]
2010 DDS Website
> Events
About DDS
