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IDC envisions a holistic design education that shapes the students into responsible contributors to the society. It enables them to identify significant contemporary problems, inculcate critical thinking, critique conventional solutions, and challenge the status quo to arrive at creative solutions through collaborative team efforts at different levels of society and influencing policymaking that lead to innovations.

IDC actuates its vision through academics, research initiatives and collaborative projects to address the unexpressed and unmet needs of the underprivileged and disadvantaged population of the country to improve the quality of life.

  1. The B.Des , M.Des and PhD programme/academic programmes at IDC is meant to develop Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Aptitude among students to become creative problem solvers and to bring about innovation in the manufacturing and communication industry.

  2. IDC's mission is to get involved in thematic projects of national interest and through that address Design education and Design Research activities through collaborative teams of users, industry, NGOs and government. It endeavors to promote long-term interaction and develop a symbiotic relationship between academia, industry and government bodies.

  3. At institutional level IDC aspires to find meaningful solutions for the larger part of the country and as well as influence policy making to inspire change.

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