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The IDC library is well stocked with books and design publications.
IDC subscribes to all major international design journals and magazines.
The range covers design, graphics, photography, cinema, type design, typography,
graphic design, ergonomics, design management, product design, environment
design, interaction design, etc.The
collection includes films, CD ROMs, video cassettes and DVD's.
IDC library also keeps copies (from 1969 onwards) of all the student project
reports as well as publications and reports on many of the projects, workshops
and seminars held at IDC.
It extends free access to any book/magazine and remains open thrice a
week at night.
IDC library book and catalog search
IIT Central Library
The IDC Library is part of the Central
Library of IIT Bombay, one of the largest libraries in science, engineering
and technology in the country.
The library collection of books and reports can be searched online through:

> About > Library Facilities