Doctor of Philosophy in Design
Scholarly research is an important cornerstone that distinguishes professions from trades. Practice oriented disciplines like design, grow and remain relevant only if its professionals constantly contribute to and expand this body of knowledge.
Our Doctor of Philosophy in Design invites design practitioners and teachers, aspiring design researchers and experienced professionals with passion for design — to proactively engage with and build into this growing body of design research. It urges introspective designers with years of practical experience to validate and formalize theories, tools and techniques within the scholarly framework. And encourages research in the fertile fields where design intersects with science, humanities, arts, and education.
To pursue a Phd here, your research must match our Faculty's areas of interest. As a first step, go through these and contact the concerned faculty to develop upon your proposed research
If you meet the eligibility criteria and there is an opening for your area of research, you may complete the formalities of application through the IITB Website. Please note that IDC admits Ph.D. students only once a year, in the Autumn semester.
The commitment for our Phd is long term requiring a minimum of 4 years. Apart from strong commitment, you require good analytical abilities, excellent language skills, tenacity, self-motivation, open-mindedness along with humility and a willingness to learn.
Encouraging design research in India, our course is currently flexible and inclusive:
- Candidates with a Masters degree in design from reputed universities, may apply through the Post-graduate entry route. In accordance with their experience, they may undertake their thesis as full time or part time students.
- Candidates with Bdes/BArch/ PGDP Des or masters in other fields having demonstrated interest and outstanding experience in their proposed research area—may use the Graduate entry route to apply. As students they will require to complete 56 credits alongside our master’s students before commencing their thesis.
Important Dates
Access to ONLINE (Internet) Application Form:
Online Submission Begins on: 20-3-2018
Last date of filling forms ONLINE: 11-4-2018
Last date for receipt of completed application forms with supporting documents : 11-4-2018
Ph.D. ONLINE Application Submission for Autumn 2018-2019 is over.
Access to online admission form will open for Autumn 2019-2020 in March-2019.
All formalities of admission must be done through the IITB website. Important links are available here:
Schedule of Admission For Ph.D Programme
Information Brochure For Ph.D Programme 2017-18 
Circular For Ph.D Programme 
Fees for Ph.D Programme 
Teaching and Research Assistantships 
Ongoing Research 
Course Structure 
Future Prospects
Our PhD scholars go on to become better teachers and mentors. Their designing and thinking is transformed. Many build careers in academics or design research; some develop business ideas or design methods, while others go on to pursue post doctoral research.
> Academics
Ph D programme