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Minor Program Course Content:

# ID 401 Introduction to Design - Case Studies
History of industrial design, The significance and value of industrial design, Basic characteristics of industrial design, The wide spectrum of design practice and terminology, Industrial design methodology, Creation of a product, Factors concerning the product in use, Capturing insights of users, Creative idea generation, Form generation of products, Design for manufacture, Appearance of the product, Case studies on wide variety of products to showcase the above.
Text/ References:
Eskild Tjalve, A Short Course in Industrial Design, Newnes-Butterworths. John Heskett, DESIGN: A Very Short Introduction, OXFORD. Mike Baxter, Product Design: A practical guide to systematic methods of new product development, Champman & Hall.

# ID 402 Design Issues
• This course is to expose the students to different thoughts and perspectives on design.
• The course will present different concerns and issues in the context of design.
• The course will also expose the students to emerging areas of design.
• Relevance of design in the context of India.
• Importance of sustainable design practices.
• Preserving traditional practices.
• Designing for the underserved communities.
• Exposure to bionics, nano design, experience design, green design, etc.
Text/ References:
• Byers, Mel; The Design Encyclopedia, Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Publications, 1994
• Buchanan, Richard; Margolin, Victor; Discovering Design : Explorations in Design Studies, University Of Chicago Press, 1995
• Margolin, Victor; Buchanan, Richard; The Idea of Design, Publisher: The MIT Press, 1996
• Potter, Norman; What is a Designer: Things, Places, Messages, Princeton Architectural Press, 2002
• Lidwell, William; Holden, Kritina; Butler, Jill; Universal Principles of Design, Rockport Publishers, 2003
• Marzano, Stefano; Creating Value by Design: Thoughts and Facts, Publisher: Antique Collectors` Club, 1999
• Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly; The Meaning of Things, Cambridge University Press, 1981
• Dormer, Peter; The Meanings of Modern Design: Towards the Twenty-First Century, Thames & Hudson, 1990
• Thackara, John; In the Bubble: Designing in a Complex World, The MIT Press, 2005
• Aicher, Otl; Jean Stock, Wolfgang; The World As Design : Writings on Design, Publisher: Wiley-VCH; Reissue edition, 1994
• Wilson, Frank; The Hand: How Its Use Shapes the Brain, Language, and Human Culture, Publisher: Vintage, 1999
• Papanek, Victor; Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change, Publisher: Academy Chicago Publishers; 2nd Rev edition, 1985
• Lindinger, Herbert (Editor); Ulm Design: The Morality of Objects, Publisher: The MIT Press; 1st MIT Press ed edition, 1991

# ID 403 Basics of Animation
The concept of animation, Persistence of vision, Broad Methods in animation ?? Traditional animation, Computer animation, Effects and Integration with Live action, Stop Motion animation (Claymation), Other methods in animation ?? Pixilation, Animatronics, The Principles of Animation The From Story to Script to Screen ?? Pre Production, Production and Post Production ?? The process Applications of animation ?? Films, Episodes, Commercials, Visualization, Simulation, Online, Education, Gaming, Mobile technology.
Text/ References:
302225 Shamus Culhane, Animation from script to screen, St.Martin302222s Griffin Press, NY, 1990302225 Kit Laybourne, The Animation Book, Crown Trade Paperbacks, NY, 1998302225 Richard Taylor, Encyclopedia of Animation Techniques, Book Sales, 2004302225 Robert Russett and Cecile Starr,

# ID 404 Basics of Visual Communications
An introduction to visual communications: Typography, Photo and video communication, User-Interface Design, Illustration and Animation. Applications of visual communications in different media: print, video and web.
Text/ References:
• Steven Ascher and Edward Pincus, The Filmmaker302222s Handbook; A comprehensive Guide for the Digital Age, Plume, 2007
• Walter Munch, In the Blink of an Eye, Silman-James Press, 2001
• Satyajit Ray, Our Films Their Films, Orient Loongman, 2001
• Robert Rodriguez, Rebel without a Crew, Dutton, 1995.
• Sanders Norman, Brewer Roy (Ed), Graphic Designers302222 Production Handbook.
• Craig James, Production for the Graphic Designer.
• The Magic of Making, K G Subhramanyan, Seagull, 2007.
• Ways of Seeing, John Burger, Penguin,
• The, Hoshangabad Science Teaching Programme, Sushil Joshi, Ekalavya, 2008

# ID 405 Human Computer Interaction Design
This is an introductory course about user-centred design of interactive products and systems. The course will introduce some basic theoretical elements of HCI such as Garrett??s layers of user experience, human cognitive processes such as memory, affordances, mappings, conceptual models and heuristics and principles of good design. The course will try to communicate that there are bad designs everywhere ?? why interaction designers go wrong. It will then provide an introduction to the HCI design process, including how to understand users through contextual interviews, how to analyse interviews to identify problems and opportunities, how to define usability goals and user experience goals, how to model users with techniques such as stages of use model and personas, how to explore solutions through scenarios, how to prototype explorations and how to evaluate prototypes for usability. Depending on the interest of the students, the course may cover some related topics such as user experience metrics, integrating HCI in software development and HCI in India.
Text/ References:
302225 Jesse James Garrett, The Elements of User Experience, New Riders ( 2003)302225 Hugh Beyer and Karen Holtzblatt, Contextual Design, Morgan Kaufmann (1998)302225 Deborah J. Mayhew, The Usability Engineering Lifecycle, Morgan Kaufmann (1999)302225 Louis Rosenfield, Peter Morville, Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, O302222Rielly (2002) 302225 Jakob Nielsen, Usability Engineering, Morgan Kaufmann (1993)302225 Mike Kuniavsky, Observing the User Experience, Morgan Kaufmann (2003)302225 Tom Kelly, Jonathan Littman, The Ten Faces of Innovation, Currency Doubleday (2005)

# ID 406 Studio Project I
The studio project is offered for students who already have exceptional skills in the area of design and are able to contribute to the specialisation of the faculty. The student will have to undertake a topic in guidance with the guide from IDC and would have to complete the project within the semester.
Text/ References:
Would be given by the guide depending on the project

# ID 407 Studio Project II
The studio project is offered for students who already have exceptional skills in the area of design and are able to contribute to the specialisation of the faculty. The student will have to undertake a topic in guidance with the guide from IDC and would have to complete the project within one semester.
Text/ References:
Would be given by the guide depending on the project

# ID 408 Technology and Animation
The course is an eyeopener to how various technologies have influenced the methods and workflow in animation & how use of animation has effected technology. This includes A historical perspective of technology in animation. Digital Image & Video Input technologies Digital Image Processing Visual Database creation & Management for animation Virtual 3D world creation & Rendering Expressions, Relationships computation and solving and their applications Mechanical Rigs and Gizmos for animation & effects. Motion Capture & Motion Control Convergence & combination of different sources for animation & effects creation Use of Animation in Technology & Science. New frontiers with the combination of Science, Technology & Animation Interactivity, optimisation, real-time animation. Massive parallel processing & distributed rendering.
Text/ References:
• CG101: A Computer Graphics Industry Reference, Terrence Masson. ISBN 073570046X
• Chaos and fractals: new frontiers of science302240by Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Hartmut J303274rgens, Dietmar Saupe 2004,302240ISBN 0387202293 Crowd simulation by Daniel Thalmann, Soraia Raupp Musse 2007, ISBN 184628824X
• No Strings Attached: Inside Story of Jim Henson`s Creature Shop302240by302240Matt Bacon,3022401997, ISBN 0028620089
• The Winston Effect: The Art & History of Stan Winston Studio302240by Jody Duncan, 2006, ISBN 1845761502
• Industrial Light & Magic: The Art of Special Effects302240by302240Thomas G. Smith, 1988, ISBN 0345322630
• Industrial Light & Magic: Into the Digital Realm302240by302240Mark Cotta Vaz302240and Patricia Rose Duignan3022401996, ISBN 0345381521
• The Art and Science of Digital Compositing, Second Edition: Techniques for Visual Effects, Animation and Motion Graphics (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)302240by302240Ron Brinkmann,3022402008, ISBN 3706386
• The VES Handbook of Visual Effects: Industry Standard VFX Practices and Procedures by Jeffrey A. Okun and Susan Zwerman, 2010 ISBN 0240812425The Making of Avatar302240by Jody Duncan, Liza Fitzpatrick, 2010, ISBN 0810997061

# ID 409 Introduction to Scriptwriting
Script and story structure, plot and scenario building, character development, dialogue writing, visual treatment, scripting formats, writing for animation and live-action
Text/ References:
Successful Scriptwriting by JurgenWolffe and Kerry CoxThe Complete book of scriptwriting by J. Michael Straczynski

# ID 410 Sound and Music Design
Course Content:Defining music in soundConcept of Anhad and NaadConcept of ShadjThe scale system and the Raaga Time and Space theory in music Music for the visual mediumHistory of Sound RecordingAnalog and Digital Recording principlesElements of a Recording studioRecording Softwares
Text/ References:
• T. Viswanathan and Matthew Harp Allen; Music in South India: The Karnatak Concert Tradition and Beyond Experiencing Music, Expressing Culture; Oxford University Press.
• Ludwig Pesch, The Oxford Illustrated Companion to South Indian Classical Music, Oxford University Press.
• Music Appreciation 302226 Set of 3 CDs 302226 Music Today
• Listening to masters, live concerts and lecture demonstrations by contemporary musicians

# ID 411 Introduction to Ergonomics
What is ERGONOMICS, History, MAN-Machine-ENVIRONMENT system, Body Dimensions and usage. Furniture/Office ergonomics, Occupational health and safety, Impact of physical environment on human body, Case Studies.
Text/ References:
• 011Human Factors in engineering and Design, by Mark S. Sanders and Ernest J. 011McCormick, McGraw-Hill International Editions, sixth edi. (Cent Lib)
• 011Ergonomics at Home, by E.Grandjean, Published by taylor & Francis Ltd.(Cent Lib)
• 011Ergonomics and Health in Modern Offices, by E.Grandjean, Published by taylor & Francis Ltd (GGR)
• 011Fitting the task to the man, by E.Grandjean, Published by taylor & Francis Ltd.1980.011(IDC Lib)
• 011Introduction to Ergonomics, by R.S. Bridger, McGraw-Hill International Editions011(GGR)

# ID 627 Elements of Design I
• An introduction to basic elements: Line, texture, colour, form, symmetry, balance, scale, mass, unity and variety.
• Concept of visual language and visual design.
• Introduction to Gestalt laws, composition and figure and ground relationships.
• Introduction to concept of negative space.
• Use of symmetry. Generation of patterns and textures using simple elements.
• Introduction to typography and fonts.
• Use of grids in graphic compostion.
• Colour circle, colour combinations and its dimensions: hue, value and chroma.
• Colour meanings in traditions and psychological use of colours.
Text/ References:
• Gail Greet Hannah, Elements of Design, Princeton Architectural Press, 2002
• Itten, Johannes; The Art of Color: The Subjective Experience and Objective Rationale of Color, Wiley Publications,1997
• Kepes, Gyorgy; Language of Vision, Dover Publications, 1995
• Elam, Kimberly; Geometry of Design: Studies in Proportion and Composition, Princeton Architectural Press, 2001
• Lawlor, Robert; Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice (Art and Imagination), Publisher: Thames & Hudson, 1989
• Hall, Edward Twitchell; The Hidden Dimension, Publisher: Anchor; Reissue edition, 1990
• Bachelard, Gaston; Jolas, Maria (Translator); The Poetics of Space, Publisher: Beacon Press; Reprint edition, 1994
• Livio, Mario; The Golden Ratio: The Story of PHI, the World`s Most Astonishing Number, Publisher: Broadway, 2003
• Jute, Andre; Grids : the structure of graphic design. Crans-Pres-Celigny : Rotovision, 1996.

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