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Interaction Design Course Content:

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DE 629 Introduction to Photography
DE 631 Introduction to Typography
DE 633 Colour, composition and layout
DE 635 Interface Design
DE 637 User Studies
DE 613 Visual Language syntactics
DE 639 Usability evaluation
DE 641 Interaction, media, senses
DE 627 Indian thought and tradition
DE 663 Sketching 1
DE 620 Introduction to 3D Form
DE 622 Introduction to Animation
DE 624 Introduction to Filmmaking
DE 614 Design Workshop
DE 626 Human factors in interaction design
DE 628 Interaction Design
DE 618 Semantic and communication theory
DE 612 Design Issues
DE 630 Trends in interactive technologies
DE 705 Interactive data visualization
DE 703 Arts Design and Society 1
DE 707 Design Research Methodologies
DEP 701 M.Des Project 1 (Mid May – Mid June)
DEP 703 M.Des Project 2 (Mid July – November)
DE 702 Arts design and society 2*
DEP 706 Design research seminar(Dec – Feb)
DEP 702 M.Des Project 3(December – May) (Stage 1 & 2)


# DE 629 - Introduction to Photography
Lens, Focal Length, Exposure (Shutter speed, Aperture, ISO), Depth of Field, Histogram, Picture Styles, RAW image, Digital Imaging, Sensor, Crop Factor, Light Metering (Incident, Reflected), Photographic Documentation.
Text/ References:
• Andrews, Philip & Langford, Michael, Langford`s Starting Photography: The Guide toCreating Great Images, Focal Press, 2008.
• Hirsch, Robert, Light and Lens: Photography in the Digital Age, Taylor & FrancisGroup, 2.Page, David A. &Zakia, Richard D., Photographic Composition: A Visual Guide, FocalPress, 2011
• Hunter, Fil&Biver, Steven & Fuqua, Paul, Light Science and Magic : An Introduction to photographic Lighting, Focus Press, 2.Zakia, Richard D., Perception and Imaging: Photography302227A Way of Seeing, FocalPress, March 2013.
• Berger, John, Ways of Seeing, Penguin, 25 Sep 2008.Arnheim, Rudolf, Visual Thinking, University of California Press, April 16, 2004.

# DE 631 - Introduction to Typography
History of Typography, Type Terminology, Font Classification, Anatomy of Typefaces, Introduction to Indic Script Typography, Typesetting, Web Typography.
Text/ References:
• Ruegg, Ruedi&Frohlich, Godi : Basic Typography, ABC edition, Zurich,1972.
• Naik, Bapurao; Typography of Devanagari. Directorate of Languages, Bombay, 1971.
• Ruder, Emil; Typography, a manual of Design March 1, 2001.
• Schmid, Helmut: The Road to Basel, 1997.
• Bringhurst, Robert; The elements of typographic Styl. Hartley and Marks15 Jan 2013.
• Elam, Kimberly; Exprssive Typography. The word as image, 1990.
• Bain, E.K; Display Typography, 1970.
• McLean, Ruari; Manual of typography. Thames and Hudson, 1980.
• Lupton, Ellen; Thinking with type : a critical guide for designers, writers, editors, and students, New York : Princeton Architectural Press 2004.
• Schmid, Helmut; The road to Basel, Helmut SchmidDesign, 1997.
• Samara, Timothy; Making and breaking the grid: a graphic design layout workshop.Gloucester : Rockport Pub, 2005.
• Jute, Andre; Grids: the structure of graphic design.Crans-Pres-Celigny: Rotovision,2002.
• Muller-Brockmann, Josef; Grid systems in graphic design. Arthur Niggli, Netherlands,2010.

# DE 633 - Colour, Composition and Layout
Colour Theory, Colour through different mediums, Physical properties of Colour, Colour Schemes, Colour Harmonies, Colour Symbolism. Methods of Composition: Realistic, Decorative, Abstract Compositions etc. Principles of Organization & Composition: Repetition, Variety, Contrast, Radiation, Rhythm, Balance, Gradation, Dominance & Subordination, Transition, Harmony, Unity etc.
Text/ References:
Interaction of Color: Revised and Expanded Edition by Josef Albers,28-Jun-2013
Itten, Johannes; The Art of Color: The Subjective Experience and Objective Rationale of Color, Wiley Publications, 1997.
Color: A Natural History of the Palette by Victoria Finlay, 2007.
Edwards, Betty; New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, Publisher: Tarcher, 2.Visual Language for Designers: Principles for Creating Graphics that People Understand by Connie Malamed, 2011.
Universal Principles of Design by William Lidwell, 2010.
Visual Grammar by Christian Leborg, 2006.Design Basics by David A. Lauer, Harcourt College Pub; 4th edition (1994-09-01) (1656)

# IN 604 Usability Evaluation
• Human information processing, human memory
•Fitt’s law, Hick’s law
•Human errors
•Heuristic evaluation, cognitive walkthroughs
•User testing using think aloud protocol and its variations
•Field trials and user logs
•Theoretical models for evaluating products
•Introduction to software testing techniques
Text/ References:
•Dix, Alan J.; Finlay, Janet E.; Abowd, Gregory D.; Beale, Russell; Human-Computer Interaction, Pearson Education; 2 edition (1998)
•Dumas, Joseph S.; Redish, Janice C.; Practical Guide to Usability Testing; Exeter : Intellect (1999)
•Nielson, Jackob; Usability Engineering; Morgan Kaufmann (1993)
•Winograd, Terry (Editor); Bringing Design to Software, Addison-Wesley, 1996 ISBN 0201854910

# IN 610 Trends in Interaction Technology
•History of technology development, influences on society and design
•Information and communication technology, past, present and future
•Influences from other media
•New trends in interaction design
•Interaction design in the context of India
•Design for future needs
•Students choose a topic in this area and submit a paper at the end of the semester.
Text/ References:
•Moore, Geoffrey A.; Crossing the Chasm; HarperBusiness; Revised edition (2002)
•Lewis, Michael; The New New Thing: A Silicon Valley Story; Penguin Books (2001)
•Sculley, John; Byrne, John A.; Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple... a Journey of Adventure, Ideas and the Future; Harpercollins; Reprint edition (1988)
•Select papers from HCI journals and conferences

# IN 612 Interactive Medias

•Introduction to time media, video, audio, games
•Story telling in an interactive medium
•Design of multi-modal, sound and conversational interfaces
•Building interactive installations and exhibition spaces
Text/ References:
•Select papers from HCI journals and conferences
•Lambert, Joe; Digital Storytelling: Capturing Lives, Creating Community, Life on the Water Inc, 2008
•Wardrip-Fruin, Noah (Editor); Montfort, Nick (Editor): The New Media Reader, MIT Press, 2003 ISBN 0262232278

# IN 614 Soft Prototyping Techniques

•Video prototyping
•Body storming
•Constructing models and 3D prototypes
•Other prototyping methods – Paper, Power Point, Video Prototypes, Theatre
•Making prototypes through building blocks
Text/ References:
•Select papers from HCI journals and conferences

# IN 618 Human Factors in Interaction Design
• Introduction to human factors – role of psychology, physiology in interaction design
• Human factors in work station and work environment design
• Sensation and perception
• Cognitive psychology
• Human information processing and execution
• Research methodologies and applied statistics
•Ratner, Julie (ed); Human factors and web development; Lawrence Erlbaum Associated (2003)
•Sanders, Mark S; McCormick, Ernest J; Human factors in engineering and design, McGraw Hill (1993)
•Zunse, Leonard; Visual perception of form; Academic Press (1990)
•Journal of Human Computer Interaction

# IN 653 Instructional Design
• Elements of learning, learning theories of behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism, Piaget’s development theory
• Elaboration theory, Posner and Strike method, Bloom’s taxonomy, Merrill’s content classification, Gagne’s categories, conditions and events of learning, Shank’s theory of instructional design
• Instructional design development process
• Computers as teaching and learning tools
• Case studies in e-learning
Text/ References:
• Forman, George E.; The Child’s Construction of • Knowledge: Piaget for Teaching Children; National Association for the Education of You (1983)
•Furth, Hans G.; Wachs, Harry; Thinking Goes to School: Piaget’s Theory in Practice; Oxford University Press (1982)
•Gagne, Robert M.; Wager, Walter W.; Golas, Katharine; Keller, John M.; Principles of Instructional Design; Wadsworth Publishing; 5th Edition (2004)
•Reigeluth, Charles M.; Instructional-Design Theories and Models: A New Paradigm of Instructional Theory (Instructional Design Theories & Models); Lea (1999)

#  IN 694 Design Research-Seminar
•The course involves student researching in an area related to design and is expected to produce an insightful report or a paper on the topic. Students need to choose a topic suggested by a faculty member and work under faculty guidance. The work may involve primary and secondary research, creative exploration out alternatives, experimental set-ups and methodical documentation. Students are encouraged to explore new fields, materials and media, with a focus on analysis. The student is required to present a seminar on the topic at the end of the semester.

#  IN 609 Visual Design for Interactive Systems
•The course involves student researching in the areas related to:

Typography - anatomy of the type, exploring typographic constructs such as typefaces, leading, alignment, kerning, tracking, making type work for an application, on-screen typography, web typography using CSS, developing a common typography language for varying screen sizes.

Visual Design - principles of image and text composition, grids and planned division of space, symmetrical and asymmetrical layouts, semantics, identity and layouts, dynamic layouts and systems level layouts.

Information visualization - displaying quantitative information, visualizing information for dynamic media, designing information for interactive media, organizing information architecture, categorization, sequencing, hierarchy and order representation.

Interface design and detailing - exploring interface design alternatives, using metaphors, idioms, constraints, affordances and mapping in interface design, modal and a-modal interfaces, exploring interface design for different platforms, audio interfaces.

Text/ References:
•Van Duyne, D; Landay, J; Hong, J; The Design of Sites, 2nd edition; Prentice Hall; 2006
•Tidwell, Jeniffer; Designing Interfaces, 2nd edition; O'Reilly; 2011
•Hoober, Steven; Designing Mobile Interfaces; O'Reilly; 2011
•Tufte, Edward; Visual Display of Quantitative Information; Graphic Press; 1993
•Ferster, Bill; Interactive Visualization: Insight through Inquiry; The MIT Press; 2012
•Ware, Colin; Information Visualization, 3rd edition: Perception for Design (Interactive Technologies); Morgan Kaufmann; 2012
•Schmid, Helmut; Typography Today; Seibundo Shinkosha; 1980
•Franz, Laura; Typographic Web Design: How to Think Like a Typographer in HTML and CSS; Wiley; 2011
•Schmidt, Helmut; The Road to Basel, Helmut Schmidt Design; 1997
•Spiekermann, Erik; Ginger, E. M.; Stop Stealing Sheep and Find Out How Type Works; Adobe Press; 1993.

# INP 601 Summer Project I (one month in May-June)
•This is a design project done during Summer Company. The objective of this project is to expose the student to the current industry practices in his chosen area of interest. This project is expected to influence the degree project in many cases.

# INP 602 Design Project II (July - End November)
An independent project with one of the following focus:
• Design project of student interest and / or faculty interest and / or industry project
• Re-design project that relooks at an existing problem or situation
• Research project, delving into methodological or pedagogic issues
• Exploration project, exploring application possibilities in a new technology or medium or variations

# INP 603 Design Project III Stage 1

• Duration: 3 months from December end of February.
• This project could be an extension of the previous project (if the scope of the project justifies the extension) or it could be an independent project with one of the following focus:
• Design project of student interest and / or faculty interest and / or industry project
• Re-design project that relooks at an existing problem or situation
• Research project, delving into methodological or pedagogic issues
• Exploration project, exploring application possibilities in a new technology or medium or variations
The evaluation of the Stage 1 of Project III is done internally with a panel appointed by the DPGC in consultation with the guide. The panel will consist of the guide and two other faculty members.

# INP 604 Design Project III Stage 2

•Duration: 2-4 months from March – end June.
• This project will be an extension of the project III and should include development of the final design concept. The defence presentations will be held during the month of April and time given till the end of June to complete the jury feedback, final drawings and finer detailing of the project
• The evaluation of the Stage 2 of Project III is done by a panel of examiners appointed by DPGC. The panel will consist of external jury member along with an internal examiner, the guide and the chairman (A Professor or an Associate Professor from another Department of IIT Bombay)

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