Ashwin Dongre
+91 98208 76968
B.E Computer Tech.
R.T.M Nagpur Univ.
Address :5/2-A/3, N.N.P. Goregaon East Mumbai 65
Animation, Visual Effects & Film Making
Not The BEST
Guide: Prof. Nina Sabnani
The BEST bus drivers start the bus without waiting for all the passengers to board or alight the bus.
Thus the passengers either can’t get on or off the bus, or are forced to do that on a running bus, thus often fall
down and get hurt.
Thus this movie is my statement against this erratic behaviour of the BEST bus drivers.
Made In India
Guide: Mr. Nina Sabnani
An animated short of how a failing NASA Mission was saved by an Indian Sardarji just by sheer common
sense. It is based on an Indian sardarji joke, a rare kind one, in which sardarji is shown intelligent, created in
Kaawad style, a Rajasthani Art Style, done during Kaawad Workshop at IDC.
Guide: Prof. Mandar Rane
Pleasure is most commonly conceptualized as a positive experience, happiness, entertainment, enjoyment,
ecstasy, and euphoria. However, it is a difficult concept to define as the experience of pleasure differs from
individual to individual. People commonly experience pleasure through various activities. Different people with
similar likings, experience the same thing differently, and at different degrees of pleasure. One can’t give his
pleasure to others nor can he take it from others. He has to experience it for himself. It’s just too personal.
This movie is based on my realisation while understanding Pleasure, that "Pleasure is very innate & personal, and it
differs for each individual!"
IDC IIT Bombay, 2009 Copyrights reserved.