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List of Ongoing Sponsored Faculty Projects:

Home Development of Computer Workstation for Cerebral Palsy
Sponsored by: Ministry of Human Resources Development, India
Project Leader: Prof. G G Ray

Research on Games and Learning
Sponsored by: Microsoft Research, India
Project Leader: Prof. Ravi Poovaiah and Dr. Ajanta Sen

Home Literacy, Language and User Interface
Sponsored by: Nokia Global University Grant, India
Project Leader: Prof. A N Joshi

Home Research and Documentation of StoryTelling Models In India
Sponsored by: IRCC, IIT Bombay, India
Project Leader:
Prof. Nina Sabnani and Prof Ravi Poovaiah

Home Yahoo! University Design Expo ‘07
Sponsored by : Yahoo! Research and UED, USA
Project Leader: Prof. Ravi Poovaiah & Dr. Ajanta Sen

' MSR Design Expo 2007 '
Theme : Health and Wellness
Sponsored by : MicroSoft Research, Seattle, USA
Project Leader: Prof. Ravi Poovaiah & Dr. Ajanta Sen

Honeywell Collaborative Project between IDC, IIT Bombay and IIT Chicago
Theme : Rural Health Care in India
Sponsored by : Honeywell, USA
Project Leader: Prof. Athavankar & Prof. Bapat

If your organization is keen on IDC faculty working on your project, get in touch with either the concerned faculty member or the head of IDC or the Dean, R and D , IIT Bombay

Further details are at ....



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