degree project requires in-depth investigation, analysis and experimentation,
creative solutions; leading
synthesis and realization of products or systems.
Here are examples of some student projects done at IDC
. Farm
Products Design
. Consumer Products Design
. Lifestyle Products Design
. Design for the Physically Disadvantaged
. Learning Systems Design
. Environmental Design
. Education Products
. Interaction
. Exploration
. Medical
Equipment Design
. Elderly Products
. Public
Services Design
. Rural
Products Design
. Toy
. Transportation
. Animation
. Game Design
. Environment
. Information
. Installation
. Interaction
. Media
. Multimedia
. Publication
. Signage Design
. Semantics and Communication Theory
. Type Design
. Video/Films
. Web
Farm Products Design
Design of Earthmover
Design of Tractor
Products Design
Solar Cooker
Wee Dryer
Portable Bath Support for Infants
The Ananas Maximus Knife
A New Generation Cobweb Cleaning Device
Bottle Form Exploration for Nest Group Redesign
of Perambulator
Baby Carrier
Tea service set
Air Cooler
Breakfast Kit
Design of Watches
Income Enhancement
Digital Caretaker
Washing Machine
Redesign of Refrigerator
Water Carrier
Hand Held Vacuum Cleaner
Design of a Combi TV
Design of a Sport Utility Vehicle
Design of Cobber tool
Redesign of a Hairdryer
Lifestyle Products Design
Bamboo Letterform Lamp
Exploration in Ceramics: Flower Pot Lighting
Household Aquaponics System
Ceramic Products for Traditional Pottery Community
Immersive Light Experience
Design of a Tea Set
Applying Hydroponics to Urban Living
Digital Personal Accessories
Display System for Sarees
Ladies Mobile
Wearable Products
Products in Glass and Steel
Design of Perfume Bottles
Wearable device for the Indian Youth
Lighting Up With Ceramics
Redesign of a Hair Dryer
Design of two wheeled vehicle - for youth
Lighting and Lifestyle
Range of Shampoo Bottles
Developing Range of Luminaires for CFL
Lifestyle Products - with Touch of craft
Lifestyle Products in Stainless Steel
Products in Glass
Lock Design
Design of Luminaires
Design For Physically Disadvantaged
Redesign of a Vestibulator for the children with Cerebral Palsy
Tricycle for Paraplegic
Blind Children Play Unit
Design of Wheelchair
Systems Design
Aids for Bamboo Craftsmen
Educational Toys for Children
Leather Products
Light in Std VII
Environment Design
Design a Vermicompost Unit For Housing Society
Increasing the Biodiversity In the forest & Design for Sustainable Lifestyle
Kindergarten furniture
Water Quality Check
Solid Waste Management System for IIT Campus
Education Products
Science kit for Eklavya
Design of Education Products for ISRO
Maadu - creative aid for school childrens
Xplore - Interactive Device for Kids
Play Objects for Childrens
Furniture for School
Invent - Programming Language for Kids
Interaction Design
Exhibition Design for DDS 2014
Digital Puppets
O nUt...'interactive' TOY
Exploring Leather Crafts in Santiniketan
Wings 44, Kolhapur
ALARP Safety Goggles
Conceptualization and Styling Directions of Helmets for Girls
Corrugated Paper Products an exploration
Thermal Suit
Windows to the Past
Simputer Casing
Exploration in Ceramics in Combination with Other Materials
Earthmover operator cabin
Packaging with a rural focus
Packaging for Indian Fast Food
Medical Equipment Design
Redesign of CPAP Device
Health Screening Device
Pneumatic Saw Redesign of a saw
Bedside Storage
Information Design
Aid for Spastic Children
Aid for Elderly
Bicycle Design for adolescent
Transfer System for Patients
Work station for the medical diagnostic laboratory
Cutter for Metallurgical analysis
Elderly Products
Internet Communication for elderly
Cell Phone for Elderly
Public Services Design
Mass Production Building components For Affordable Housing
Accommodation System: Seat/berth layout for sleeper coach of Indian Railways
Redesign of Palanquin System for Ajanta
Design of a Platform gap filler for Mumbai sub-urban Rail
Design of a forced Air Ventilation System in sleeper coaches for Indian Railways
Lighting Systems Design for Temples
Solid Waste Management in Mumbai
Street Furniture for Powai Special Focus on Lake Front road
Design of Taxi Interiors for the Commuters of Mumbai
Medical First Responder Vehicle for Chennai
Disha - Information and Navigation system
Mobile Bank
Mobile Petrol Pump
Purchase Display System for Khadi Gram Udyog
Passenger-cum-cargo Microbus
Three Passenger Autorickshaw
Products for Restaurants
Design of an Electronic Cart
Mobile Cart for Pepsi
Design of Furniture System
Design of Internet Protocol
Solar Powered LED Traffic Signal
Design of An 'Info Kiosk'
Intensive Care Unit Bed
Devnagari Text Input Device
Design of Electric Three Wheeler Golf Cart
Letter Box - For Indian Post
Rural Products Design
Cold Storage Without External Power
Design of Low Cost Alternative Fuel 'chulha' (stove)
Low Cost Toilet for Rural Households
Design of Low-Cost Rural Public Transportation
Home Lighting
Rural Fridge
Water Tanker
Manufacturing System for Jaggery
Redesign of Coconut Dehiscing Machine
Travelling School
Teaching aid for rural schools
Domestic aids for utensil washing
Mobile Health Unit
Products in Bamboo
Kitchen Products
Musical Products
Bamboo Products
Packaging in Bamboo for Oranges
Knock Down Furniture In Cane
Wall Clock
Toys in Bamboo
Design of Super Luxury Car for India
Designing a Micro Sports Car for India
Styling of a Luxury Bus Exterior
Form Exploration of Super Luxury Car for India
Royal Enfield Design Studio
Adventure Touring Motorcycle for India
Exploring New Segment for an Urban Hot-hatch
Designing an Electric Hybrid 'SUV-Sedan' Crossover Vehicle for Urban India of 2020
Customization of SUV (Grand Vitara) with New Accessories Design for Maruti Suzuki
Water Taxi for Inland Waterways-Kerala
Styling of a Scooter
Electric Bike for India (WIP)
Campus Bicycle for IIT Bombay
Designing of a Super Luxury Car for India
JCB interface Design
Redesign of Tipper Truck
Public Sharing Vehicle for India
Design and styling of NeV
Battery powered autorickshaw
Styling of 2 Wheeler
Two-wheeler maintenance
Design of an Electric Microbus
Redesign of hero puch
Design of 3-Wheeler
Automotive Styling
Design of Maruti 800
Micro Passenger Vehicle
Multi Purpose Vehicle
Design of Sport Bike
Design of Rickshaw
Personalized Vehicle
Design of Solar Powered Vehicle
Design of an Electronic two wheeler
Design of Two Box Hatchback
Animation Design
An Attempt to Discourage Bullying Among Children
Exploration in Image Making
Almora Diary - A Visual Journey
Nursery Rhyme Animation ------Animation Design
Ajanta Project ------Animation Design
Narrative Structure Within The Ajanta Paintings ------Animation Design
Us Baar (That Day) ------Animation Design
Chasni (The Sugar Syrup) ------Animation Design
A Celebration
Simple Relativity
The Gift
My Brother and I
Bloody Vampires
A Glimpse of Happiness...
Saat Paak Mone Thak
Jodakana - Animation for Childrens
The Dream - an animated short film
Ekolyo - an animated short film
The Missing Peace - an animated short film
Short Animation Film - 2D Flash animation
Murderer - photo animation
Let's Go - An animated short film
Game Cinematics - An animation film
Volition Boy - an animated short film
3D Animation Plug-in
Animation Film - 'The Candy Tree'.......Short
Animation Film - 'Hunger'.......Short
Animation Film - 'Magic Within'.......Short Film
Animation Film - 'War'.......Short
Animation Film - 'Bird Watching'.......Short
Animation Film - 'Arjun'........Short
Animated short Film on Intoleranc - 'C9H13NO3'........Short
Animated short Film on Intoleranc - 'Anger'........Short
Animated short Film on Intoleranc - 'The Bench'........Short
Animated short Film on Intoleranc - 'The little match girl'...Short
Game Design
Game Application to Recognize Gujarati Script for Children
Game Application to form Conjuncts & Word Construction in Devanagari Script (Hindi)
Raja Mantri Chor Sipahi – Redesign
Liyo’s Geo Safari
Environment Design
Developing a learning method for Hearing - Impaired children in Andhra Pradesh
Low Cost Sensor Based Portable Local Weather Station
Environment design of Pune snake park
VET - Visual aids to scheduling and decision making
Mumbai - Ambition and the City
Heritage walks in Pune
Exploration of Leaves
Unfolding - A Visual Experience
Dhaanashray - A planner group for Group Farming
Children's Storybooks focusing on endangered species
Interactive tool for a paultry farm
Information Design
Pune Bus Transit Route Map
Aid for Planning Furniture Projects
Willow: Reminiscing a Dear departed
Introducing Culture to Children through Storytelling
Creating Flexible Workspaces
Personalized data Visualization for Enhancing Shopping Experience
Visual Display of Dynamic Information
Guidebook for Chennai
Mumbai Suburban Railway Guide
Graphic Novel - on Mahabharata
TARAL - the vorld of liquids
Documentation System Design
Installation Design
Interactive Installation For Donation and Awareness
File Management System for Windows
Redesign of an Interface for Mini-ERP software
Interaction Design
Darya Firasti
Creating Sensory Experience for Visually Impaired Children
Google Mobile Cpanel Admin App
Usable Security Authentication For Online Transactions
Touchscreen Malayalam Text Input for the Blind
Interactive Storytelling
The Art of Miniature Painting
Interaction design for Home Computing
Interactive Information System - for Bus Commuters
Interactive Device for patient monitoring
Making toys for childrens using corrugated sheet
Packaging for Children's Products
Game Based Learning Device
Design of Art Magazine in Malayalam
Redesign of the ATM Interface
Exploration of Gesture Based Interaction in HCI
Interface Design for Handheld Computers
Interface Design for TADnet: Communication Module
The Role of Department of Posts, India
Interface Design for Honey Bee Kiosk
Interface for a Note Taking Application
Game Design
Media Exploration
Visual Treat
Production Studio - Eeksaurus
Research & Concept Development in Matte Painting
A Celebration
Research And Concept Development In Matte Painting
Concept Art and Matte Painting
World of 3D Vision
Personal Media Sharing - for childrens
Digital Miniature Painting
Multimedia Design
Sight of Sound
Interactive Storytelling
Design Research and Exploration for 'Gamification' done for Informatica Products and Tools
E-mailing system for the Elderly
An Installation for an Alternative high
Expression of Music
Publication Design
Window Seat
The Speaking Image
Young India - Then and Now
Seoul Curry
Branding for a Company Dealing in Flowers
Kakatiya Dynasty Art and Architecture
Gond art and Narratives
Graphic design of R K Joshi a book design project
Shiva - A visual experience
'Ma' One day in the life of Vidya Patil
The magic of P C Sorcar jr - a book
The Six Indian Seasons
Design of Promotional book
Kaatrin Nizhal - Shadows of Wind
Architectural Acoustics Design
Book Series on Marathi poetry
Device for Group Interaction - a comic book
A Visual Book - Culture of Kites
Volcano - a comic book
A Multimedia CD-ROM on Pandharpurchi Vari
Childrens Book - Environmental awareness
How the toad got its skin - Story book for children
Life and Works - on Sudhakar Nadkarni
Designing a Utility Calendar for Indian Needs
Semantics and Communication Theory
Radio Clip on Digestion - one ..... Short Audio Clip
Radio Clip on Digestion - two ..... Short Audio Clip
Signage Design
Signage Design for Old Goa
Type Design
Constructive Approach of Devanagari Calligraphy
Introducing Devanagari Calligraphy to undergraduate Design Students
One handed text input for Devanagari
Exploration in Dynamic Typography
Display Typeface
Video Project
Purani Dilli - A Film
Stick to Dreams
Nirmal Toys
Beyond the Bangle (Documentary Film)
Balaram (Short Film)
Workplace Safety Education at Workplaces
Power Drift Studios
Illusion and Reality
Kite Diary
Mukhota - The Mask
Pathak - The Guide
Acchi (think before you think)
Companion - A Short Film based on Stray Dog Issue
We All Are Same
Oasis - A video documentary
Kaisika Natakam - A video documentary
Life in the womb - an animation
Lazy Lanty - an animation
Anger - an animation
Film on IIT Bombay
Trimbakeshwar - a video documentary
Motion is the Message
Mobile Phone and People - an animation
Documentary - on Grandmother
Documentary - on Mauth ka kua
Keychildren - a video film
Plastics Pollution - an animation
A film on Safety Measures for Women Workers
Chatiyan Chandu - an animation
Experiencencing Psychoactives - Visual Choreography
MAI - a short film on AIDS
They need something else A film on Orphans
Web Design Projects
UX Portfolio Intranet Portal
Intranet Portal Design for CMS UX Portfolio
Responsive Design Strategies
Interactive Information Explorer for Bollywood Data
Addressing Racial Prejudice and Stereotyping Issues
Information Architecture of an Open Educational Resource Website
Website for SPIC-MACAY
India Website and Corporate Identuty for Synopsys
Website for Marg Publications
Web Browser for kids
Department of Tourism India
Documentation of Indian Animation
Turn Left - Portfolio Design for a Fashion Designer
Flowerbids.com - Flower market on the web
Shuk Samhita
Words and Spaces
www.vkarch.com |