
by Prof. Ravi Poovaiah
This check list of things to do is to serve as a guideline, in a theory or research based design project. The check list is mentioned sequentially as points for different stages of the project.
(This happens to be one version of the process. There are, of course, many other methods of doing a theoretical or a research project)
Stages in a theoretical/Research Project:
. Primary and Secondary Research - inquiry and observation
. Understanding the Problem
. Analysis of the Topic
. Conclusions of the Investigation
. Application of your Conclusions
.Paper etiquette:
1. Any quotes or material that you refer to should be duly acknowledged. Follow standard method or convention for doing this (for details click here)
2. If the reference is from a web document then, give the complete url of that particular page and not just the site. If you have responses from discussion forums on the net - write the name of the forum, date, respondent's name
3. If you have got help from people, guides, experts, please give their full name, title, organization or institution.
1. The whole paper needs to be numbered according to main title 1.0 to sub titles 1.1 to sub-sub titles as 1.1.1 and so on.
Abstract and Key words:
1. An abstract or synopsis of what you have done in the paper needs to be included in the beginning. Similarly add a list of important and new words that occur in your paper in the beginning of the paper.
Bibliography (optional):
1. Bibliography refers to a list of related material in terms of papers, books, places artifacts that are of concern to the topic that you are investigating and can be included at the end of the paper.
. Stage One
. Primary and Secondary Research:
. by conducting
. interviews (structured?)
. video-taping, photographing, documenting (sketches?)
. experiments (controlled?)
. by asking and conversing
. users - very important (sampled?) - is there a focused group?
. experts
. emails, discussion forums, e-groups
. by studying or observation
. the environment, artifact, building, device, media or the facility
. external space, internal space, public space, personal space,
. by referring to
. previous works, examples, etc.
. literature, papers, books, magazines, project reports, etc.
. web documents

. Stage Two
. Understanding the 'Problem for Investigation':
. Physical factors?
. Shape, form, colour, number, size, texture, etc.
. Sound, smell, growth, repetition, etc.
. Realistic, Abstract,
. Organizing factors?
. Path of information, links, flow, structure, etc.
. Activities, facilities, functions, etc.
. Semantic factors?
. expressions, meaning, content, feeling, etc.
. macro view, micro view, others viewpoint, etc.
. Functional factors?
. Educational, entertainment, emotional, promotional
. To Identify, to differentiate, to focus, etc.
. To inform, to direct, to warn, etc.
. Influencing factors?
. Cultural factors, backgrounds, etc.
. Aesthetics, trends, styles, etc.
. Human factors?
. Visibility, readability, legibility, usability, etc.
. Human factors, human effort, comfort, convenience, etc.
. Human Product Interactions, interactivity, etc
. Psychological? emotional? physical? ergonomic?
. Technology factors?
. Materials and Processes
. Method of manufacture/production - batch, mass, hand done?
. skilled, unskilled?

. Stage Three
. Analysis of the 'topic under Investigation'
. Compare, cross-relate, evaluate
. Locational factors?
. Mapping, Way -finding, tracing
. Human movement analysis
. Identification factors
. Identifying functions, Grouping, Connecting, etc.
. Compare forms, symbols, labels, typography, text, etc.
. Structuring your factors?
. Classification, grouping of similar factors, chunking, etc.
. Differentiating factors, identifying unique features, etc.
. Assigning hierarchy, ordering factors, etc.
. Graphical analysis?
. Graphs, charts, mapping of factors
. Chart of 'time - activity - senses - spaces -function'
. Visualization of Information/ factors
. Experimental analysis?
. set up constraints and conduct experiments with your users
. Use video to document and audio to tape user responses
. Interviews to seek their feedback/responses
. Use Research Methods?
. Use appropriate and relevant research method for analysis
. You might have to make use of tools like SPSS, Numerical analysis, semantic differntial analysis, etc.
. Stage Four
. Conclusions of your 'Topic for Investigation':
. Comparative Conclusions?
. Compare your findings with similar things or objects or happenings and draw your conclusions
. relate it to other factors like culture, history etc. and try to find connections
. Applied Conclusions?
. Draw your conclusions on the basis of the usefulness of your findings or possible applications of it.
. Do you think it can lead to a theory based on your findings?

. Stage Five
. Application of your Conclusions:
. . Design Exploration?
. Based on your conclusions explore possibilities of using your ideas as applications
. Example: Designing variations in typefaces based on cultural factors
. Scenario Building?
. Create a scenario of applying your findings to a real life situation . Modeling?
. Build a physical or a virtual model of applying your findings
(ps: Do not forget to acknowledge the people and the other sources that have helped you for the project)
